Watch our past webinars that give tangible tips to improve your ROI of marketing and analytics efforts, and sign up for upcoming webinars and masterclasses to participate live.
Free Webinar: Knowledge Management for Experimentation Programs: How to Build Continual Community Knowledge to Quantify Success
How to build continual community knowledge to quantify success.
Free Webinar: From AI to Business Impact: How to Get More ROI From Your Customer Data
Have you ever wondered whether or not it’s worth it for your brand to clean and unify its messy data? It’s known to be hard and expensive, but will it pay off? Register today for this FREE webinar to hear how AI can transform the way your brand tackles its messy customer data situation and what you should do with that data afterwards to maximize your return on investment.
Free Webinar: eCommerce: The Core Of Experimentation Is Your Customer
We often forget the reason we do testing and conversion rate optimization - and it’s not to improve your conversion rate or revenue. It’s to improve your customer experience so that you’re improving your conversion rate and revenue. What if you run tests exclusively in service of your customer? How would that change what you were running tests for?
Webinar: Double Your Holiday Revenue By Using Your Existing Data [RECORDING]
Did you know you can use your current Google Analytics and sales data to have a better gifting season? Beyond Christmas comes Valentine’s and Mother’s day - and you can be ready for all of these! You’ll be ready in advance to serve your customers better, increase revenue, and optimize for next time. More importantly, all of this can be done stress-free!